Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Progressive Era

       When exploring the websites antiwar.com and The American Conservative, I noticed that a lot of the topics of discussion are not brought up as frequently in the mainstream news. I believe that these websites are not too popular in the United States because it goes against the values that the United States government holds and that it shows a poor representation of our country and what we stand for. While we do have freedom of speech and we are allowed to post whatever we like online, the government can still control the amount of exposure a website receives. 

Antiwar History: Vietnam

    The government may spend time blocking websites or even removing some content to avoid any controversies. The government wants to do the best it can to give the United States a good image. If United States citizens are criticizing the country and the way it is run, this can harm the reputation of our country greatly. When American citizens are displaying that they do not like or agree with the country they are living in, this gives a negative impression to those living in other countries. 

Young Americans for Freedom pro-Vietnam War demonstration, Boston Common:  Man holding sign reading "Vietnam: we're in, let's win" - Digital  Commonwealth

    For example, if there is any poor communication with the United States military, the government will shut down that information instantly. The United States is against anti-war because the military is one of the things our country is known for and it also has a huge economic impact on our country. Billions of dollars are spent funding the military, so government officials are not pleased when there is backlash regarding the way the government spends its money, especially on the military overall. There are also so many Americans active in different parts of the military such as the Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, etc. that this proves we are living in a country that is pro-war and the government will do anything in its power to maintain that image. 

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